We are glad to announce our virtual topical workshop “Large-scale Research Consortia in Pain: Experiences in Europe, USA and Japan”. Together with speakers from the USA and Japan, we will be sharing our experiences with building IMI-PainCare and current pain R&D initiatives in the USA and Japan and highlighting their recent progress.
“Large-scale consortia foster innovation in pain research because they provide the necessary scale by combining funding, expertise, knowledge, skills and resources from the various key stakeholders in pain R&D and healthcare, e.g. academics, biotech companies, pharma industry, patient organizations,” said Petra Bloms-Funke , IMI-PainCare consultant. “I am looking forward to sharing our measures to create a win-win-partnership”. André Mouraux, work package lead in the subproject BioPain, will explain the approach to validate functional biomarkers of drug-induced effects on nociceptive processing in healthy human volunteers. “I am proud of the protocol definition of the four multicenter clinical studies, bringing together the expertise of our multi-disciplinary and cross-functional team”, he added.
Barbara I. Karp, Program Director at NINDS/NIH, USA, will present the Helping to End Addiction Long-term InitiativeSM, or NIH HEAL InitiativeSM and two of its programs, the Preclinical Screening Platform for Pain (PSPP) and the Early Phase Pain Investigation Clinical Network (EPPIC-NET). Aimed at facilitating development of new non-opioid, non-addictive pain therapeutics, academic and industry investigators are encouraged to utilize the expert infrastructures of these programs to test their assets.
“I am delighted to explain the Japanese research system and the Japanese Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), which enabled our translational research on fibromyalgia and central sensitization”, Masako Hosoi from the Kyushu University Hospital said. Her recent findings show that microglia in patients with fibromyalgia are hypersensitive to ATP, suggesting that TNF-α from microglia may be a key factor underlying the complex pathology of fibromyalgia.
During the workshop, sufficient time has been planned to allow in-depth discussions about best practice approaches for large scale consortia and how to facilitate interactions and collaborations with the current initiatives to maximize their impact.
Looking forward to meeting you at our virtual workshop!
About the NIH HEAL Initiative:
The Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM Initiative, or NIH HEAL InitiativeSM, is an aggressive, trans-NIH effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid public health crisis. Launched in April 2018, the initiative is focused on improving prevention and treatment strategies for opioid misuse and addiction, and enhancing pain management. For more information, visit: https://heal.nih.gov.