Our partner EFIC, the European Pain Federation, has published the second video interview of a series aimed at introducing the project, the different sub-projects and the view of the patient organisations.
This second episode focuses on the objectives of the three different subprojects PROMPT, BioPain and TRiPP. See the videos directly under these links:
PROMPT: https://youtu.be/Qjz-FHhdCTk
BioPain: https://youtu.be/Kx3yJpQgR2Y
TRiPP: https://youtu.be/ZsWIaq3kjkc
You also find them on the EFIC newsroom: https://europeanpainfederation.eu/imi-pain-care-subproject-interview/ and on the EFIC IMI PainCare project page: https://europeanpainfederation.eu/efic-pain-research/collaborate-with-efic/