IMI-PainCare at EFIC23
Achievement’s and outcomes from the IMI-PainCare project of all three subprojects TRiPP, BioPain and PROMPT, as well as those of the INTEGRATE –Pain group - the “IMI-NIH Transatlantic Emphasis Group…
Achievement’s and outcomes from the IMI-PainCare project of all three subprojects TRiPP, BioPain and PROMPT, as well as those of the INTEGRATE –Pain group - the “IMI-NIH Transatlantic Emphasis Group…
We are pleased to have been selected for an article about our project on the European Commission’s CORDIS website. We would like to inform you about its publication:“Fighting the epidemic…
EFIC press release: “On 21 March 2023, experts from the European Pain Federation EFIC and the IMI-PainCare consortium were invited to share their insights at a panel discussion on “The…
New developments within IMI-PainCare resulting from collaboration between SME and academia are published in the newsroom of Innovative health Initiative (IHI):
The consortium continues the webinar Q&A series organised by our partner EFIC on Mar 06th 2023 (03pm, CET). This time, the webinar is targeted at patients. Consortium members from each…
The consortium start the new year with the Webinar on Jan 19th 2023 (12:30pm CET), the most recent dissemination activity with our scientific society partner EFIC. Consortium members from each…
The IMI PainCare internal scientific meeting hosted by our EFPIA partner TEVA is starting tomorrow with over 80 participants in a hybrid format. Members attending in person meet already today…
Outcomes from IMI PainCare will be presented at the Annual German pain society congress 2022 in Mannheim (19 – 22.10. 2022 Two presentations will summarise the recent achievements from…
The dissemination activities with our scientific society partners continues, this time with ESAIC. An update regarding the activities of the subproject PROMPT is available in the current ESAIC Newsletter October…
September 2022 is rich on opportunities to meet the consortium partners. Recent achievements of the project will be presented at several conferences:ICCN22 (Sept. 4-8, Geneva, CH), ICS22 (Sepr. 7-10, Vienna,…