Members of the subprojects PROMPT and BioPain will participate and represent the project at the German pain society congress 2021 in Mannheim (Deutscher Schmerzkongress 2021 / German Congress on Pain , 19. -23. October in CC Rosengarten Mannheim, Germany).
Achievements from subproject PROMPT will be shown on Friday 22.10.21 at 9:20pm (CET) in a presentation called “Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) zur Erfassung der körperlichen Funktionsfähigkeit (kF)” by H. Heitkamp – a member of the working group of Prof. E. Pogatzki – Zahn, University Hospital Muenster, Germany (Session SY21 – Aktuelle Anforderungen an Patient Reported Outcome Measures zur Erfassung der körperlichen Funktionsfähigkeit und körperlichen Aktivität bei akuten postoperativen und persistierenden Schmerzen).
MRC systems (M. Goetz) – the IMI PainCare partner in subproject BioPain will be present with a booth and will provide project flyers, as well as inform about one of the innovations developed within BioPain together with partners from Ruprecht-Karls- Universitaet Heidelberg and Universite Catholique de Louvain. The innovation “Novel electric and mechanical stimulators as objective pain response biomarkers for supporting translational pain research and pain mechanism diagnostics” has been published on the European Commission’s Innovation Radar’s platform (accessed via web).