September 2022 is rich on opportunities to meet the consortium partners. Recent achievements of the project will be presented at several conferences:
ICCN22 (Sept. 4-8, Geneva, CH), ICS22 (Sepr. 7-10, Vienna, AT), HAI 22 (Spet. 14-17, Berlin, DE), IASP 22 (Sept. 19-22, Toronto, Canada)

Subproject BioPain presents “New Insights on Human Models and Neurophysiological Biomarkers of Central Sensitization” at the 32nd International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology ICCN 2022 (4-8 Sept Geneva, Switzerland). The session comprises two presentations: (1) State of the Art on Human Experimental Models of Central Sensitization and (2) Novel Neurophysiological Biomarkers of Central Sensitization will be given by A. Mouraux (BE) and C. Leone (IT) on September 6 (3:15 PM, 3.3c: #92,). Furthermore a poster will be presented on: Perception threshold tracking (PTT) – A novel method to assess small fiber function (Hossein Pia, Zahra Nochi, Bernhard Pelz, Marcus Goetz, Jan Hoeink, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Tony Blockeel, Keith Phillips, Nanna Brix Finnerup, Hatice Tankisi.

Results from subproject TRiPP: Refinement of stress models of BPS/IC-related to better reproduce urinary bladder changes and pain. Santos-Pereira M, Santos-Leite L, Serrão P, Cruz F, Charrua A. – will be presented by A. Charua in the ePosters Session 34 on Saturday 10th of September 2022 (13:25 – 13:30, ePoster Station 6, Exhibition Hall).

Outcomes from subprojects BioPain and PROMPT will be presented at the Capital Congress of the DGAI for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care with Nursing Symposium HAI2022 in Berlin (14. – 17. September 2022). The IMI PainCare session comprises 3 presentations: (1) Schmerzen objektiv messen (BioPain O. Caspani), (2) Abschied von der NRS? Was Patient Reported Outcomes wirklich messen (PROMPT, E. Pogatzki-Zahn) and (3) Fitneßtracker statt Rating-Skala: Zukunft der Schmerzerfassung? (PROMPT, M.Komann).

Numerous members of the consortium will attend the IASP22 congress in Toronto. The recent achievements will be presented in 2 topical workshops and 12 posters across the three subprojects PROMPT, BioPain and TRiPP. Further information and meeting opportunities will be offered at the IMI PainCare project booth (#813).
1. Topical workshop: Utilization Of Pain Biomarkers As The Basis For Decisions In The Therapeutic Development Process And In Clinical Practice: New Approaches From INTEGRATE-Pain (Thursday, September 22nd, 4:30pm-6:00pm EDT, Room 715 B):
- Back Translation of Functional, Pharmacodynamic Pain Biomarkers into Rodents; Track: Assessment, Diagnosis & Measurement Of Pain (T. Blockeel, UK, IMI PainCare on behalf of the subproject BioPain)
- Deep Phenotyping to Improve our Understanding of Chronic Pelvic Pain (K. Vincent, UK, IMI PainCare on behalf of the subproject TRiPP)
- Integration of Pain Biomarkers into the Therapeutic Development Process and into Clinical Practice (MA Pelleymounter, USA, NINDS / NIH)
- Signature for Pain Recovery IN Teens (SPRINT): Biomarker Signature Detection in a Multivariate Dataset Leveraging Supervised Machine Learning algorithms (L. Simons, USA)
2. Topical workshop: Functional Biomarkers Of Nociceptive Signal Processing – Back-Translation Of Human Studies To Preclinical Models (Tuesday, September 20th, 10:45am-12:15pm EDT, Room 718 B)
- Functional Markers of Nociceptive Processing and Central Sensitization for Pre-clinical and Clinical Drug Development (A. Mouraux, BE)
- Functional Neuroimaging and Psychophysics as Potential Biomarkers of Chronic Pain and Predictors of Treatment Outcome (KD. Davis, CA)
- Neurophysiological Biomarkers for Central Sensitization in Humans (A. Truini, IT)
A number of posters will be presented as well:
PROMPT: Including the patient’s perspective – A systematic literature review of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in chronic neuropathic pain clinical trials (Juliane Sachau, Manon Sendel, Marie Péchard, Kathrin Schnabel, Iris Schmieg, Terkia Medkour, Laurent Ecochard, Markus Woischnik, Hiltrud Liedgens, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Ralf Baron, Didier Bouhassira) (Thursday 22.09.22, 3:15PM, PTH31)
BIOPAIN: Modulation of Laser Evoked Potentials by Lacosamide, Pregabalin & Tapentadol in Awake Rats
(Anthony Blockeel, Anna Sales, Sonya Chapman, Kimberley Jackson, Nicolás Marco-Ariño, Iñaki Trocóniz, Josep-Maria Cendros, Jose Miguel Vela, Anthony Pickering, Andrea Truini, Andre Mouraux, Rolf-Detlef Treede & Keith Phillips) (Tuesday 20.09.22, 03:15PM, PTU62)
Characterisation of the neural correlates of central sensitisation induced by the high frequency stimulation (HFS) model in healthy humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Sophie Clarke, Vishvarani Wanigasekera, Richard Rogers, Francesca Fardo, Hossein Pia, Zahra Nochi, Nicolas Macian, Vincent Leray, Nanna Brix Finnerup, Gisèle Pickering, André Mouraux, Andrea Truini, Rolf-Detlef Treede and Irene Tracey) (Thursday 22.09.22, 09:30AM, PTH197)
Perception threshold tracking (PTT) – A novel method to assess small fiber function (Hossein Pia, Zahra Nochi, Bernhard Pelz, Marcus Goetz, Jan Hoeink, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Tony Blockeel, Keith Phillips, Nanna Brix Finnerup, Hatice Tankisi) (Friday 23.09.22, 03:15PM, PER44)
Does peak alpha-frequency of the resting EEG predict the susceptibility to develop secondary mechanical hyperalgesia? (L. Lebrun, C. Lenoir, E. N. van den Broeke, A. Mouraux) (Tuesday 20.09.22, 03:15PM, PTU44)
The role of negative expectations on the development of secondary hyperalgesia in healthy volunteers (S.Gousset, T. Cayrol, M. Papleux, A. Mouraux, E. N. van den Broeke) (Thursday 20.9.22, 9:30AM, PTH97)
TRiPP: Analysis of Rat Ultrasonic Vocalizations in a Preclinical Model for Inflammatory Pain (Paulina Nunez-Badinez, Bianca De Leo, Jens Nagel) (Wednesday 21.09.22, 03:15PM, PVD258)
Exploring pelvic pain and quality of life profiles in the Translational Research in Pelvic Pain (TRiPP) cohort (Lysia Demetriou, Michal Krassowski, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Kurtis Garbutt, Allison Vitonis, Elizabeth Wilkins, Lydia Coxon, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Qasim Aziz, Judy Birch, Andrew Horne , Anja Hoffman, Lone Hummelshoj, Claire E Lunde, Jane Meijlink, Danielle Perro, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Christine Sieberg, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Christian Becker, Franscisco Cruz, Stacey Missmer, Krina Zondervan, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent) (Friday 23.09.22, 09:30AM, PFR251)
What drinking water tells us about bladder sensitivity in Chronic Pelvic Pain (Lydia Coxon, Emily Tan, Danielle Perro, Claire Lunde, Joana Ferreira Gomes, Ana Charrua Cordeiro, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Jane Meijlink, Anja Hoffman, Judy Birch, Lone Humnelshoj, Qasim Aziz, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn Jan Vollert, Michal Krassowski, Emma Evans, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Lysimachi Demetriou, Stacey Missmer, Andrew Horne, Christine Sieberg, Fransisco Cruz, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent) (Wednesday 21.09.22, 9:30AM, PVD43)
Is conditioned pain modulation (CPM) a useful paradigm in women? A TRiPP study exploring CPM in pain-free women and those living with chronic pelvic pain (Danielle Perro, Lydia Coxon, Claire Lunde, Joana Ferreira Gomes, Ana Charrua, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Qasim Aziz, Judy Birch, Lysia Demetriou, Kurtis Garbutt, Andrew Horne , Anja Hoffman, Lone Hummelshoj, Michal Krassowski, Jane Meijlink, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Christine Sieberg, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Allison Vitonis, Jan Vollert, Christian Becker, Franscisco Cruz, Christine Sieberg, Stacey Missmer, Krina Zondervan, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent, on behalf of the TRiPP Consortium) (Wednesday 21.09.22, 03:15PM, PVD30)
Understanding Fatigue in Chronic Pelvic Pain patients: a Translational Research in Pelvic Pain (TRiPP) study (Lysia Demetriou, Lydia Coxon, Danielle Perro, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Claire E Lunde, Kurtis Garbutt, Michal Krassowski, Allison Vitonis, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Qasim Aziz, Judy Birch, Andrew Horne , Anja Hoffman, Lone Hummelshoj, , Jane Meijlink, Danielle Perro, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Christine Sieberg, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Christian Becker, Franscisco Cruz, Stacey Missmer, Krina Zondervan, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent) (Thursday 22.09.22, 03:15PM, PTH332)
Have you ever had a flare of your symptoms? Clinically important findings from under-explored FLARES in Chronic Pelvic Pain (Lydia Coxon, Celia Lugt, Danielle Perro, Claire Lunde, Joana Ferreira Gomes, Ana Charrua Cordeiro, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Judy Birch, Jane Meijlink, Lone Humnelshoj, Anja Hoffmann, Qasim Aziz, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Jan Vollert, Michal Krassowski, Emma Evans, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Lysimachi Demetriou, Stacey Missmer, Andrew Horne, Christine Sieberg, Fransisco Cruz, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent) (Thursday 22.09.22, 09:30AM, PTH39)
Widespread pain is associated with poor psychological health, sleep quality, fatigue, and pain catastrophizing in women with chronic pelvic pain: A TRiPP study (Danielle Perro, Lysia Demetriou, Lydia Coxon, Michal Krassowski, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Claire E Lunde, Kurtis Garbutt, Allison Vitonis, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Qasim Aziz, Judy Birch, Andrew Horne , Anja Hoffman, Lone Hummelshoj, Jane Meijlink, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Christine Sieberg, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Christian Becker, Franscisco Cruz, Stacey Missmer, Krina Zondervan, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent, on behalf of the TRiPP Consortium) (Friday 23.09.22, 09:30AM, PFR277)
The relationship between pain experience and personality factors in women living with chronic pelvic pain (Emma Evans, Lysia Demetriou, Lydia Coxon, Danielle Perro, Pedro Abreu Mendes, Claire E Lunde, Kurtis Garbutt, Michal Krassowski, Allison Vitonis, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Qasim Aziz, Judy Birch, Andrew Horne , Anja Hoffman, Lone Hummelshoj, , Jane Meijlink, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Christine Sieberg, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Christian Becker, Franscisco Cruz, Stacey Missmer, Krina Zondervan, Jens Nagel, Katy Vincent) (Tuesday 20.09.22, 09:30AM, PTU147)