Innovations in pain management are needed to reduce the suffering of many people who cannot be treated adequately with current therapies. As lack of effective and safe pain management is a societal problem, it is in the interests of all stakeholders to interact closely to improve the situation. The NIH HEAL and IMI-PainCare teams realized the congruency of their approaches, which strongly supports that valuable synergies will arise from a transatlantic consensus. Dedicated to improving the understanding, management, and treatment of pain, both teams have prioritized common opportunities in preclinical and clinical research, ultimately accelerating the discovery and development of new non-addictive treatments and improving the management of pain.
Together, we established INTEGRATE-Pain, the “IMI-NIH Transatlantic Emphasis Group on Research And Translation-to-care Efforts for Pain”. Our objectives are transatlantic knowledge sharing, harmonizing of standards, combination of infrastructures, coordination of data collection to improve the statistical power of data interpretation in future meta-analyses, and joint dissemination.
On August 5th and 6th 2020, INTEGRATE-Pain will have virtual meetings, originally planned as personal appointments during the IASP 2020 World Pain Congress.
The NIH HEAL Initiative:
The Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM Initiative, or NIH HEAL InitiativeSM, is an aggressive, trans-agency effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid public health crisis. Almost every NIH Institute and Center is accelerating research to address this public health emergency from all angles.
The initiative is funding hundreds of projects nationwide. Researchers are taking a variety of approaches to tackle the opioid epidemic through:
- Understanding, managing, and treating pain
- Improving treatment for opioid misuse and addiction
More information on the NIH HEAL Initiative: